“I have been alone my whole life…”
These are the gut wrenching words of Momma Phillip, who is currently enrolled in Imprint Hope’s 7-week educational program. She entered our program six weeks ago in a very vulnerable state, where every counseling session, therapy session, educational class or any mention of her son’s name would trigger an emotional outburst.
Her son, Phillip is a beautiful boy, who is 10 months old and has Cerebral Palsy and severe Epilepsy. This heroic momma has lived her whole life witnessing her son have a seizure every couple of minutes.
Momma Phillip tells us everyday – “I cannot be fine when Phillip is not fine.”
So today, we are asking for YOUR assistance to help Phillip “be fine.”
The first couple of days after Momma Phillip and her son arrived at Imprint Hope, we took Philip to see a pediatric neurologist.
After performing an EEG, the neurologist prescribed a very expensive epilepsy medication, which costs $100/month to treat the 50+ seizures Phillip has everyday!
This is impossible for Momma Phillip to afford on her own, but without the medication Phillip\’s daily seizures will continue.
Can you help Phillip!

In Uganda, if you’re the oldest, its your responsibility to take care of your parents and siblings. Momma Phillip takes this responsibility very seriously. She has reached the brink of working day and night to pay house rent and buy food for her family from a very young age of 13.
Momma Phillip tells us everyday “I don’t mind if I don’t even have cream, as long as my son has.”
Her heroic witness of sacrifice and perseverance has left all of Imprint Hope\’s staff in tears.
But today, we need YOUR help to help Momma Phillip and her family.
Can YOU give $10, $25, $50, or $100/month to help cover the cost of Phillip\’s medication?
Momma Phillip told me the other day that being at Imprint Hope over the past 6 weeks has been the first time she has EVER felt HOPE in her LIFE.
The paradox in this dynamic is that what Momma Phillip doesn’t know is that HER heroic witness of perseverance has taught us that hope is never lost. Her resilience to seek truth and find answers and never give up on her child – inspires each one of us at Imprint Hope on a daily basis.
Throughout her whole life, Momma Phillip has experienced that she needs to fight to just keep her family together. Her mentality has been to just be strong – fight a little harder and longer. Don’t let go. For if you dare to trust or depend on someone else you\’re bound to end up broken.
Throughout our 7-week training course, Imprint Hope\’s team has been trying to help Momma Phillip learn that trusting someone can feel scary and yet so freeing. We have been encouraging her that we want to walk this journey with her – just because her life and her son\’s life is worth it.
We want to make a promise to Momma Phillip that we will be able to pay for her son\’s medication!
Can you help us make that promise to her?