Upon walking into Imprint Hope’s Center of Healing Hearts and Restoring Hope, the first thing your eyes will notice is our wall of hearts to your right.
We designed this wall in 2017 to honor the generosity of our supporters across the world, who enable Imprint Hope’s Mission to be present in Uganda. Since, we believe that without YOUR generosity, Imprint Hope’s Mission would be non-existent and impossible in Uganda!
Today, I’m reaching out to ask – – Do you want YOUR name on our wall?!
We have over 50 empty hearts that we are longing to fill with YOUR name. For at the end of the day, YOUR generosity is making the mission possible, so we want to honor, recognize and SEE your name every day!
Here is how you can get your name on Imprint Hope’s wall of Healing Hearts and Restoring Hope.
1. You can make any recurring donation from $1.00 to any amount on our website here.
2. You can email me directly at [email protected] and I can help sign you up.
Within days, I will send you back a photo of your name on our wall at Imprint Hope!
We will also provide updates and photos on how your support is helping us create a world where people with disabilities are given access to the medical and rehabilitative care they require to achieve their optimal potential.
In Uganda, I see families long for answers – long for something to hope in that might help their child. However, when you wait for something for so long and don’t get it – its very easy to numb yourself to that desire.
Your support is helping us provide answers to families. It’s helping us provide vital medical care, rehabilitation services, counseling, family advocacy, education on disabilities and empowering families through small business training.
However, most importantly, its helping the country of Uganda to see and understand that there is a great plan and purpose for people with disabilities in our world. For at the end of the day, every human life was created for a purpose.